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Mrs. Helen Young

She is married to Dr. Jerry Young, the pastor of New Hope Baptist Church and the president of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. They have two daughters, Jerlen (Matthew) Canada and Kelli (Ben) Hart and five grandchildren, Linzee & Lauryn Nelson and Benjamin, II, Harper and Braxton Hart. Mrs. Young has worked tirelessly alongside her husband at New Hope for over thirty years.


Mrs. Young’s commitment to Christ, her family, New Hope Baptist Church and New Hope Christian School has manifested itself in service in many ways. As a member of the church’s administrative staff, Small Groups Bible study participant, and former advisor to the Young Matrons Auxiliary, Mrs. Young gives of her time and talents to add to the body of Christ. She has spearheaded the Christmas Banquet numerous years and enjoys that time to fellowship with the New Hope Church family and community partners and friends.


Mrs. Young has been named the “Mother of the Year” by her New Hope Baptist Church family. This is one of the church’s highest honors. Mrs. Young has served as a guest speaker for numerous community and Women’s Day church programs and fellowships spreading the good news of the gospel and her love for Christ. The Jackson-Hinds Rust College Alumni Association named Mrs. Young, the 2014-2015, Alumni of the Year. In 2016, Mrs. Young was awarded the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Award from the Andrew Jackson Council, Boy Scouts of America. In 2017, Mrs. Young was awarded the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award for Education in Mississippi.


She has served as an extremely faithful and critical part of the church’s primary education ministry, New Hope Christian Pre-School & Elementary School, in that she is the director of the Pre-School and has served in this capacity for the past eighteen years. She has also served as the business administrator and interim principal for the elementary school. Young uses creative strategies to promote the pre-school. She was instrumental in the accreditation of the pre-school in 2014. She spearheads the fundraiser for the pre-school each year which culminates in the crowning ceremonies for Mr. & Mrs. New Hope PreSchool. Through this activity alone, thousands of dollars have been raised each year to provide equipment and personnel for the pre-school, such as playground equipment, computers, personnel to teach special classes, like Spanish and computers, etc.


She has an unselfish attitude and commitment to our church family and community. Ms. Young has assisted families in times of crisis with their children, with her financial donations and words of encouragement. She is quiet, loving, and supportive to her husband, immediate family and the New Hope Church family.


Mrs. Young has adopted the following verse as her mantra: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9


On April 13, 1913, Reverend Cassie organized New Hope Baptist Church along with seven members in the home of Mrs. Ida Taylor of Whitfield Mills Road, Jackson, Mississippi. 


Administrative Office/Mailing Address

5202 Watkins Drive
Jackson, MS 39206



1555 Beasley Road

Jackson, MS 39206

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